Mastering your emotions


“Trust me. I’m a doctor” :)

“So, exactly how am i supposed to do that dr. lance”?

“You've already taken the first step by looking for something new and asking the question.

The most important step in ordeR to change your life is taking 100% responsibility for everything in your life. Even though that might be a little bit scary, when you make that commitment, the rest just takes practice”.

taking 100% responsibility

Make the conscious decision to stop blaming your feelings on the objects, events and people in your life.

Taking responsibility, allows you the ability to have a thoughtful response in any situation, instead of continuing to run your unconscious, conditioned patterns. Stop allowing your emotions to use you instead of the other way around.

  • Expand and Refine your awareness

    Take control of everything in your life by becoming the trained observer of your thoughts.

    Meditation builds the muscle of self-awareness that will increase the space between what happens and what you do about it. It will become your superpower!

    You will also reboot your connection to the inner wisdom that we all have (but sometimes forget). The most common reason that people suffer is that they are operating from their humanity and have forgotten their divinity.

  • Choose new, conscious actions

    Learn to use practical tools to think the thoughts that empower you, feel the feelings that motivate you and do the things in the world that inspire you and others.

    Pick the best chemicals in your internal pharmacy by choosing feelings of gratitude, appreciation and peace.

    Accept the past for it’s lessons instead of spending time on what “should have been”.

    Focus on the future you desire, instead of worrying about “what ifs?”

  • Have the discipline to use the tools!

    Continually upgrade your personal operating system (aka your beliefs) by practicing new thought patterns. After all, our beliefs are just practiced thoughts.

    Our students that commit to daily practices of meditation, connecting with their feeling self, speaking lovingly to themselves, practicing forgiveness and cultivating gratitude, ALL have had profound transformation.

    When I say ALL, I mean ALL!

    It’s your responsibility

Do you believe that you are unfulfilled because of others, your past or your current situation?

  • I mean it, keep reading and give it a chance.

  • By continuing to choose to believe that you are responsible for others and that people, things and circumstances outside of you are creating imbalance, you will continue to suffer.

  • your past?

    all of your responsibilities?

    your job or your boss?

    your partner?

    your family?

    the government?

    anything and everything outside of YOU?

  • Allowing you to fully realize your potential and allowing others to do the same.

  • as the creator of your life and in doing so, cease to see others as victims but as the creators of their lives as well.

  • it is incredibly empowering, once you believe it, or even better, you KNOW IT and live it every day..